Sunday 18 January 2009

Entry 17: Wreck Hunting

It was time to go wreck hunting. I set my universe map to show ships that had been destroyed in the last hour. The closest system showing destroyed wrecks was 2 jumps away in Gultratren. According to the map 2 ships had been destroyed there in the past hour.

I arrived in Gultratren and warped to the Ingunn Gate in search of any wrecks. When I arrived I found a total of 5 wrecks, 4 of which containing loot. However they were also guarded by pirates and other pilots and I soon had to warp out. I decided to warp back to within 100km of the gate. Perhaps I could make a snatch and grab run. My plan was to move at least 150km away from the most promising wreck then warp to it, loot it and get out. I noticed an Iteron III wreck, this would be my first target.

I had warped 88km from it, turning around I started heading away from it. When I was 150km away I bookmarked the spot then warped in. I was rewarded with 1 Expanded Cargohold, 1 Inertia Stabilizer I and 2 units of Kernite. I Instantly warped out and docked at a station before anybody managed to get a lock on me. I checked the market value of the Inertia Stabilizer. It was worth 20,000ISK. The other items all up would get me maybe 1500ISK. Not the most lucrative haul, but a hell of a lot more fun than mining. Maybe if I went back and tried another wreck I would have better luck.

Ignoring the Aggression Timer, I undocked and warped back to my safe spot. I had seen a Bestower wreck earlier, this would be my next target. Following the same procedure I managed to warp away with 2 more Expanded Cargohold I's. I redocked unloaded my loot and started the process again.

Only two wrecks were left, a Velator, which I imagine to be a bit worthless and a frigate. It was time to make a move on the frigate. I Warped in and examined the frigate wreck. My computer told me that it contained loot, but upon examining it I found it to be empty. The pirates in the system had started locking onto me. I tried to warp out but had moved to close to the Ingunn Gate and could not align properly. With my armour now taking damage I was left with no choice but to jump through to Ingunn.

Arriving the other side I could not believe my eyes. The gate was littered with Industrial wrecks. A total of 9 wrecks and 1 cargo container. If I played my cards properly who knows what I could find. I set up a bookmark 150km from the furthest wreck. Other ships were in the area around the gate but no pirates. Were they guarding the wrecks, I guess I would find out soon enough.

I managed to move from wreck to wreck filling my cargo hold without any intervention. I warped, docked, unloaded and returned, having found a very lucrative wreck. Amazingly after many trips, I managed to loot every wreck floating next to the gate. It was time to start checking the market and see what my options were. To sell the loot as is or reprocess it first.

To sell as is would make me 625096ISK. Reprocessing would give me over 700,000 ISK. It was time to reprocess and sell. I checked my bank balance. I now had over 1.2 million ISK. Still not enough for the Corp Start-up fee, but certainly a lot closer to it.

After checking the map I returned to Gultratren and once again started looting the wrecks I found there. One wreck contained over 19,000 units of Kernite. My ship could only hold 100 units at a time that would fetch me 30,000 ISK per run. I guess I had found my next target. The start up fee was a total of 1,599,800 ISK. I had 1,248,556, I was still 351,244 ISK short. I would need to make a total of 12 runs to finally have enough money for the start up fee.

I managed to make 11 successful runs, with each run getting ever closer to my goal. However undocking from the station on the 12th run I was greeted with a pilot called NCC 1701E flying a battlecruiser attacking another pilot, it was getting a bit dangerous around here. I managed to make the 12th run. Before docking though I noticed a wreck and cargo container floating just outside the station. I undocked and managed to loot 40 units of something called Strontium Clathrates before NCC 1701E reappeared flashing Red on my HUD. Not wanting to stick around I warped to another station to unload the loot.

I decided it was probably still in my best interest to keep looting the Kernite while I could. I would still need ISK in the future to cover my clone costs and who knows what other corporation costs I would have to pay. NCC 1701E was still waiting outside the station. He let me dock without hassle but I worried that upon undocking I would be fried. Only 1 way to find out.

I undocked and warped away, he hadnt attempted to target me. Perhaps he felt I was not worth it. But how long would that last. Picking up another 100 units I headed back, NCC 1701E was still there, another wreck added to his collection. Once again he left me alone. This wasn't too bad after all. I guess he had bigger fish to fry.

After a total 22 runs, I decided that it was probably time to finally sell the ore I had accumulated. Docking at the station I sold the 22,000 units of Kernite I had looted for a staggering 697,000 ISK. Taking my total balance to just over 1,950,000 ISK. I finally had enough to pay the Start Up fee. It was time to head back to Todifirauan and complete my orders.

Friday 16 January 2009

Entry 16: Mining and Deception

Arriving at Todifrauan I decided to try my hand at mining again so I warped to the first Asteroid belt in the system. The belt contain an ore called Hedbergite. I checked the Market, someone was willing to pay over 2500ISK per unit of ore. Figuring that wasn't a bad price I began to mine. I had forgotten how boring it was, not to mention slow.

After a while my cargo hold was full. I had only managed to mine 39units of Ore. before having to dock at the station and start again. This would go a lot quicker if i had 2 basic miners. I then had an idea on how I may be able to get another one. If i was to leave my ship and dock at the other station perhaps my insurance company would give me a new ship? Nothing ventured nothing gained. So I left my ship and docked at the other station in my pod.

Upon docking I received the following message:

2009.01.16 13:48
We from the friendly insurance company Pend Insurance regret the recent loss of your spacecraft. According to the agreement between Pend Insurance and SCC, we hereby grant you a brand new Ibis, fully fitted. Also included is a gratuity gift of Tritanium.

It seems my plan had worked. Claiming my new ship I undocked and warped back to the other station. I docked and removed the Mining Laser from my new ship. I then transferred to my other ship and removed the Gatling gun. I attempted to fit the second Mining Laser and my ships computer informed me of the following:

To bring Basic Miner online requires 70.0 cpu units, but only 26.0 of the 96.0 units that your computer produces are still available.

So much for my great plan. Things are never easy in New Eden.

I managed to make 2 more mining trips before pirates arrived in the system. I moved onto the next belt and came across 3 wrecks. I looted the wrecks finding a new type of mining laser. It seems I had the required skills to use it. So I docked my ship, fitted the new laser and set out again.

The new laser increased my yield from 10 units to 14 units per cycle. A reduction of 40% in time taken to fill my cargo. Further research revealed that I would need at least 500 units of Hedbergite before I could refine the ore into its basic minerals. At 40 units per trip It didn't take a genius to figure out I would be here a while.

After what seemed an eternity of dull mindless work, I successfully mined the 500 units required to refine the ore. If I sold the ore on the market I would receive 128,700 ISK. Or I could refine the ore and make a profit of 84,000 ISK. I could probably make more if was willing to make the jumps to the highest bidders locations but as I was tired and needed to rest I just sold the ORE unrefined.

Entry 15: Time to Move On

I returned to the Skeleton Comet to find that all the Pirates had been destroyed. Now was a good as time as any to try and get the contents of the scorched Containers. I started moving towards them when another pirate appeared. Perhaps he would be more interested in the other Pilot in the system who was currently salvaging the wrecks than me. I could only hope.

The other Pilots name was Cortis Vahn. Using his hammerhead drones he destroyed the pirate leaving me with a clear path to the scorched container. However instead of a passkey I found nothing but Drugs and Missiles. Still I could probably sell them so I transferred the cargo to my own ship and was promptly destroyed by a group of pirates who warped into the system right at my location. Time to dock yet again and pick up my new Ibis.

Remembering how much ISK I had made earlier from looting wrecks in Low Sec space. I decided that perhaps it would be be better to explore High Sec space and loot for a greater profit. With this in mind I set my destination back to Todifrauan and explore the surrounding systems.

Entry 14: The Azure Chasm

I jumped through the Stargate to Colelie where I warped to the Contested Gallente Azure Chasm beacon the following message flashed up on my HUD.

This deadspace area contains the famous Colelie natural phenomenon, a giant canyon carved into a massive rare type of asteroid which locals refer to as the Azure Stone. Over the last decade it has attracted millions of visitors annually, not only nature lovers interested in the Azure Stone but also those galactic citizens who wish to relax in one of the massive luxury resorts built by Impetus in the tourist quarter.

A few months ago ownership of the Azure Canyon deadspace pocket was formally taken up by the Wiyrkomi Corporation, after they had paid an enormous sum of credits for it in addition to signing a deal with Federation authorities which forces them to share a large portion of their earnings and resources acquired from the region every month. However Wiyrkomi have yet to start constructing their massive power stations, as a large group of Serpentis as well as Gallente protesters have taken up residence within the Azure Canyon and refuse to leave. Federation authorities have so far ignored Wiyrkomi requests for assistance.

I arrived to find another acceleration gate and 3 Fon Frigate's, 2 Fon Cruiser's and Apte Donie. They didn't seem interested in me at all so I moved towards the gate and tried to activate it. Once again the gate would not activate the following message appeared.

This gate is locked! To activate it, you need to have Azure Canyon Tourist Pass in your cargo hold. By all signs it will not be consumed upon use, so the only problem is to locate the thing!

So much for my great exploration. It would seems things are never easy in New Eden. I decided to return to the Skeleton Comet and see what I could find there.

Entry 13: Gate to Hidden Path

I decided it was time to check out some of the other sites I had wanted to investigate earlier. Warping to the Colelie Gate, I found an acceleration gate called Gate to Hidden Path. I tried to activate the gate only be be disallowed. The following reason flashed up on my HUD.

This gate is locked! To activate it, you need to have Passkey to Yan Jung Relic Site in your cargo hold. By all signs it will not be consumed upon use, so the only problem is to locate the thing!

Perhaps this relic could be found in the scorched containers at the Skeleton Comet. Perhaps this was the reason they were guarding it in such force. Or maybe I would have to find it somewhere else completely. Either way at this moment in time it seems the Gate to the Hidden Path is closed to me.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Entry 12: Comet Raiding

12 Jumps later I found myself back in Deltole. I had left Auvergne made the 4 Jumps to Deltole, collected the Null Ammo made the 4 Jumps back to Auvergne, sold the Ammo then finished off by making the 4 jumps back to Deltole and docking my ship. Must remember in future that when moving to another system to sell cargo, its a good idea to take the cargo with you.

I returned to the Comet and managed to acquire some items from various wrecks and containers filling my cargo hold. The Pirates were still there but for some reason left me alone this time round. Once my cargo hold was full I warped back to the station and unloaded. Reprocessing the cargo I then sold the minerals for just under 80,000ISK. Taking my total balance now up to 223,000ISK. At this rate I would have enough ISK to pay the Corporation startup Fee in ohhh another 20 trips.

I checked the Aggression Countdown. I still had 7 mins left before CONCORD would once again come to my aid. It seems I had stolen from 2 separate Corporations. The Black Shadow Rangers and Diplomatic Disruption. Best to sit still and wait it out. When all was safe I undocked from the station and once again warped on another raid of the comets wrecks. However this time round I wasn't alone. 3 Other pilots obviously had the same Idea. I would need to be extra careful and not steal any cargo belonging to them.

I found some Scorched Containers that didn't seem to belong to any corporation and moved towards them. They were surrounded by Pirate Ruffians who promptly destroyed me in a matter of seconds as I got to close to the Scorched Container.

The other pilots had begun fighting the Pirates. I was left alone sitting in my pod floating 71m from the scorched container I had intended to empty. I tried to have a look inside to see what I would of received for my troubles, only to have access denied due to the cargo being guarded. I decided instead to sit and watch the others battle it out.

Wreck after Wreck would appear on my HUD as the other pilots destroyed Pirate after Pirate. The Pirates seemed to be providing a constant stream of reinforcements. The 3 Pilots became 2 when Cursealot was destroyed. This left 1 Battlecruiser and 1 Cruiser to take on the remaining Pirates, 2 V 13.

Before too long a second Battlecruiser joined the fight. The odds now were down to 3 v 7. Wrecks littering the space around the mined out comet. Unfortunately It was time for me to leave and I could not stay for the end of the battle. I docked my pod and found a new IBIS waiting for me.

I returned to the comet a few hours later. A battle was still taking place. Hoping not to be noticed I moved to one of the cargo containers and removed its contents, instantly warping back to station. After unloading my cargo I undocked and warped back to the comet.

I started moving towards another container when suddenly I was targeted by one of the pilots and soon was taking damage. It seems he belonged to the Corp who I had just stolen from and as such CONCORD were looking the other way. I managed to warp out but not without taking damage to my armor. Docking up I decided to wait the 15 mins out while the Aggression Counter counted down and then return, this time examining the cargo closely before taking it.

With the Aggression countdown complete, I undocked and once again set off for the comet. Ubuvanchik, the pilot who had shot at me was still there in his cruiser. Part of me hoped he would shoot again, just so CONCORD would intervene and blow him to hell. I picked a wreck and moved towards it.

The other pilots including Ubuvanchik soon warped out. Leaving me alone to transfer cargo from a number of wrecks before returning to the station with a full cargo hold. I Transfered the cargo from my ship to the hanger, reprocessing and selling the cargo. I checked my balance I now had just under 360,000ISK, a long way still to go. With that in mind I decided to call it a day.

Entry 11: Reality Dawns

I travelled the 4 Jumps to Auvergne. Only to discover once I had arrived and docked that I had left my cargo behind in Deltole. The confines of the Pod prevented me from kicking myself. However, just before I had docked, I had noticed a Beacon leading to a Rogue Drone Infestation. Sprout. I decided to investigate and as a result perhaps the journey would not be a complete waste of time after all.

Warping to the location the following Message appeared.

This deadspace field appears to have been infested with a strain of Rogue Drones. Rogue Drones are a self-replicating "lifeform" controlled by artificial intelligence, often in the form of a lucid communication hivemind or centered inside one of their dreaded Rogue Drone Mothers. This particular complex is the construction site of a new hive, far away from its maternal headquarters.

DED Threat Assessment: Minor (2 of 10)

I arrived to find another acceleration gate which I activated. Coming out of warp 2 Drones began to attack me. I managed to destroy one of them but was taking a lot of damage from the other. I decided to warp out and dock. I now realise that I am in need of greater weapons for defence or I will never survive the harsh realities of life in New Eden. It was time to return to Deltole and retrieve my forgotten Cargo.