Tuesday 13 January 2009

Entry 7: A New Skill

I have investigated what is needed to set up a corporation. Other than a Corporation startup fee of 1599800ISK, that I do not have, I would also be required to learn the Corporation Management skill. Checking the market I found the skill for sale for 18000.01ISK in the Gergish System. At least I had the funds to purchase it and it was located only 4 Jumps from the Angur System.

I undocked my ship and proceeded to the Gergish System incident free. I docked my ship at Gergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School and paid the fee for the skill book. I was currently training for level 5 Spaceship Command and had nearly 2 days left before training was completed. I made the decision to pause the training and learn Corporation Management instead, as it would only take 30 mins to learn.

I checked my skillpoints and realized that I had accumulated more than my current grade of clone could handle. It was 40000ISK to upgrade to the next grade of clone. Not wanting to take any chances, as a result of my last encounter, I paid the fee and upgraded my clone.

I reset my destination back to M-VACR. I have checked my route for the closest station to M-VACR that will allow me to dock and transfer my clone. The nearest station I can currently find is 35 Jumps away from M-VACR in the Todifrauan System.

The Todifrauan System is 20 Jumps from my current location. I will transfer my clone to this station upon arrival. This is the closest station that my current flight plan passes through. It may well be that other stations are closer but not directly on my flight path. I will investigate further upon my arrival. If I can not find a station any closer to M-VACR, I will setup Offices for the New Corporation there. That is once I have managed to raise enough money and pay the startup fee.

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