Friday 16 January 2009

Entry 13: Gate to Hidden Path

I decided it was time to check out some of the other sites I had wanted to investigate earlier. Warping to the Colelie Gate, I found an acceleration gate called Gate to Hidden Path. I tried to activate the gate only be be disallowed. The following reason flashed up on my HUD.

This gate is locked! To activate it, you need to have Passkey to Yan Jung Relic Site in your cargo hold. By all signs it will not be consumed upon use, so the only problem is to locate the thing!

Perhaps this relic could be found in the scorched containers at the Skeleton Comet. Perhaps this was the reason they were guarding it in such force. Or maybe I would have to find it somewhere else completely. Either way at this moment in time it seems the Gate to the Hidden Path is closed to me.

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