Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Entry 8: Outposts and Junkyards

Undocking from Gergish. I found myself looking at not one but two Orca's outside the station. This was the first time I had seen these ships. They looked like Giant Slabs of Metal floating in space. It wasn't too long before both had warped away.

Upon entering system Girani-Fa. I noticed a beacon marking a Serpentis Scout Outpost listed on my HUD. I decided to investigate what this outpost was warped my ship to the beacons location. What i found there was nothing but large pieces of debris floating in space and a Pirate Scout Outpost which seemed long abandoned. I guided my ship towards the outpost to get a closer look. Perhaps there was a way to make the ISK needed for the Corporation Startup Fee. After a while I came to realize that nothing was here of any value or importance and continued on my journey.

When I entered the system Deltole, I discovered that it contained a Municipal Junkyard. Perhaps I could find something to salvage and sell. I began to warp to the Junkyard when the following information bulletin flashed up on my HUD.

When the tourist industry in Algintal was in its infancy the local authorities became concerned that the abundance of space debris left by earlier colonists would hurt tourism in the long run. They carried out a hasty cleanup operation of the constellation, collecting most of the debris and dumping it in a remote place in the Deltole system. The intent was always to finish the job later and incinerate the heap, but the authorities have never gotten around to it and the Municipal Junkyard has been left alone for decades now. It is thus the perfect place for smugglers running illegal operations such as forgery.

It sounded promising. When i came out of warp I found myself surrounded by junk of all types. Then I noticed an unsecured cargo container floating in space. I approached within 1500m and took a chance look inside. It contained 1000 units of small Null Ammo. The cargo belonged to a pilot in a corporation called Kumovi. I decided the risk was worth taking and transferred the Ammo to my cargo hold. Expecting to be destroyed at any moment I instantly warped out and docked at the only station in the system.

My computer kindly informed me that I had committed a crime and as such Kumovi could now destroy my ship within the next 15mins without CONCORD intervention. I decided it probably was best to sit in the station and wait the 15mins out.

I checked the market for details of the worth of the Ammo I had just acquired. If I sold it now i would make less than 2,000ISK. Didn't really seem to warrant the effort. However if i warped to system Auvergne which was 4 Jumps away I could sell the ammo for 30,000ISK.

I think i will hold onto it for now and see what other prices I can find along the way to Todifrauan. However I fully intend to return to the Junkyard in the near future and see what else I can claim.

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