Monday 5 January 2009

Entry 2: Mining and Pirates

Using the ships computer I discovered that EVE GATE was indeed the place of Origin. It seems a stable wormhole once existed, that allowed virtually instantaneous travel to and from a long lost civilization in another galaxy. It is generally believed that all humanoid life forms found in New Eden migrated from this long lost Galaxy. However the wormhole collapsed preventing any further travel. For what reason I was to travel there I did not know. Only that I was obligated to do so.

I checked my ships navigation computer. It seems I was in a system designated as Kisogo located in a region of space designated as The Forge. According to the ships navigation computer Eve Gate was located in a system designated New Eden. I surmise that the galaxy as a whole must of been named after this system of origin. The computer navigated a course for me to follow. I would have to make a total of 25 jumps through various stargates before reaching my destination.

The second half of the journey was marked Red on my screen. It seems that once I was due to enter the Ami System I would be entering what would be known as Low Sec Space. It seems the system's within the galaxy have been designated as either High or Low Sec space. The main difference between these system being that systems in High Sec Space are patrolled by a police force known as CONCORD. As such, illegal activity is monitored closely and the chances of your ship being destroyed by other pilots are greatly reduced but not impossible while in High Sec Space. Low Sec space in comparison is a lawless part of the galaxy where pirates roam freely without fear of CONCORD intervention.

I noticed an Automated Centii Training Vessel approximately 10km from my ship. My ships computer kindly informed me that destruction of this ship would result in the paying of a bounty to myself. Perhaps I would need funds to purchase the instruction manuals my superiors mentioned to me. I decided that it was a good idea to destroy this unmanned vessel and collect the bounty. As it was Automated I did not see this as a Violation of my orders not to fire upon other pilots unless in self defense.

I instructed my computer to Orbit the Unmanned Vessel or DRONE at 1.5km. Once in range of my Civilian Gatling Gun I opened fire. Destruction of the Drone came Very quickly with minimal damage to my own shields. My HUD informed me that the wreck of the Drone seemed to contain cargo that I could now pillage and use somehow to either aquire more funds or improve my ship.

Moving to the wreck I discovered it contained 1 Unit of Tritanium and promptly transferred it to my own cargo bay. It was then that i noticed two more Drones had appeared on my HUD. Both Drones also had a bounty on them so once again i moved into range and easily dispatched them, collecting the bounty and pillaging both wrecks. I received 2 Civilian Shield Boosters for my troubles.

I decided that it was time to find a space station and dock my ship. I checked my HUD and discovered that the system contained only 1 station. It was owned by a corporation known as the State War Academy. I had seen this name before at some point in my short life time so I checked my own Bio and discovered that I was in fact a member of this corporation. As I do not remember making the decision to join The State War Academy, I hoped that i was not in violation of the rules concerning joining Alliances or corporations unless instructed. Further investigation revealed that all pilots must be a member of a corporation so it made sense to me that this was the one chosen for me by my superiors. I instructed the ships computer to dock at the station which was orbiting the 7th planet in the Kisogo system.

I warped within docking range of the station and was granted permission to dock my ship. Upon docking I was pleased to see I had been allocated a personal cargo hanger which contained another unit of Tritanium and a Damage Control Unit. I moved my ships cargo into my personal hanger and checked the market details of each item. I noticed that the station contained a reprocessing plant that would allow me to break the objects down into their basic elements. After checking the market again I decided that I would reprocess the modules and sell the Minerals on the market. This earned me a total of 4595.26ISK.

My balance however was 9595.26ISK. Checking my journal its seems I was also granted an Inheritance of 5000ISK by my corporation. Still I felt perhaps I should try to earn some more ISK before setting off on my journey and headed back to the asteroid belt I had just left. As I had hoped I found another Automated Drone and dispatched it just as easily as before and once again two more drones appeared on my HUD. I dispatched them as well and then, pillaged all the wrecks of their contents.

I thought now might be a good time to try my hand at mining as I had plenty of cargo space available and plenty of Veldspar floating outside my ship. However I must admit after only a few moments I became very bored and stopped. I docked back at the station and sold the Basic Minerals after reprocessing the modules. I tried to refine the Veldspar into Tritanium to discover that the 107 units i had mined were not enough to begin the refining process. So I just sold the Veldspar unrefined instead. A few moments later my wallet flashed informing me that I had just been paid Bounty Prizes. I now had a balance of 17873.63ISK. I didn't know if this was a lot but I guessed only time would tell so I undocked and began the journey to Eve Gate hoping all the dangers of Low sec space were exaggerated.

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