Sunday, 18 January 2009

Entry 17: Wreck Hunting

It was time to go wreck hunting. I set my universe map to show ships that had been destroyed in the last hour. The closest system showing destroyed wrecks was 2 jumps away in Gultratren. According to the map 2 ships had been destroyed there in the past hour.

I arrived in Gultratren and warped to the Ingunn Gate in search of any wrecks. When I arrived I found a total of 5 wrecks, 4 of which containing loot. However they were also guarded by pirates and other pilots and I soon had to warp out. I decided to warp back to within 100km of the gate. Perhaps I could make a snatch and grab run. My plan was to move at least 150km away from the most promising wreck then warp to it, loot it and get out. I noticed an Iteron III wreck, this would be my first target.

I had warped 88km from it, turning around I started heading away from it. When I was 150km away I bookmarked the spot then warped in. I was rewarded with 1 Expanded Cargohold, 1 Inertia Stabilizer I and 2 units of Kernite. I Instantly warped out and docked at a station before anybody managed to get a lock on me. I checked the market value of the Inertia Stabilizer. It was worth 20,000ISK. The other items all up would get me maybe 1500ISK. Not the most lucrative haul, but a hell of a lot more fun than mining. Maybe if I went back and tried another wreck I would have better luck.

Ignoring the Aggression Timer, I undocked and warped back to my safe spot. I had seen a Bestower wreck earlier, this would be my next target. Following the same procedure I managed to warp away with 2 more Expanded Cargohold I's. I redocked unloaded my loot and started the process again.

Only two wrecks were left, a Velator, which I imagine to be a bit worthless and a frigate. It was time to make a move on the frigate. I Warped in and examined the frigate wreck. My computer told me that it contained loot, but upon examining it I found it to be empty. The pirates in the system had started locking onto me. I tried to warp out but had moved to close to the Ingunn Gate and could not align properly. With my armour now taking damage I was left with no choice but to jump through to Ingunn.

Arriving the other side I could not believe my eyes. The gate was littered with Industrial wrecks. A total of 9 wrecks and 1 cargo container. If I played my cards properly who knows what I could find. I set up a bookmark 150km from the furthest wreck. Other ships were in the area around the gate but no pirates. Were they guarding the wrecks, I guess I would find out soon enough.

I managed to move from wreck to wreck filling my cargo hold without any intervention. I warped, docked, unloaded and returned, having found a very lucrative wreck. Amazingly after many trips, I managed to loot every wreck floating next to the gate. It was time to start checking the market and see what my options were. To sell the loot as is or reprocess it first.

To sell as is would make me 625096ISK. Reprocessing would give me over 700,000 ISK. It was time to reprocess and sell. I checked my bank balance. I now had over 1.2 million ISK. Still not enough for the Corp Start-up fee, but certainly a lot closer to it.

After checking the map I returned to Gultratren and once again started looting the wrecks I found there. One wreck contained over 19,000 units of Kernite. My ship could only hold 100 units at a time that would fetch me 30,000 ISK per run. I guess I had found my next target. The start up fee was a total of 1,599,800 ISK. I had 1,248,556, I was still 351,244 ISK short. I would need to make a total of 12 runs to finally have enough money for the start up fee.

I managed to make 11 successful runs, with each run getting ever closer to my goal. However undocking from the station on the 12th run I was greeted with a pilot called NCC 1701E flying a battlecruiser attacking another pilot, it was getting a bit dangerous around here. I managed to make the 12th run. Before docking though I noticed a wreck and cargo container floating just outside the station. I undocked and managed to loot 40 units of something called Strontium Clathrates before NCC 1701E reappeared flashing Red on my HUD. Not wanting to stick around I warped to another station to unload the loot.

I decided it was probably still in my best interest to keep looting the Kernite while I could. I would still need ISK in the future to cover my clone costs and who knows what other corporation costs I would have to pay. NCC 1701E was still waiting outside the station. He let me dock without hassle but I worried that upon undocking I would be fried. Only 1 way to find out.

I undocked and warped away, he hadnt attempted to target me. Perhaps he felt I was not worth it. But how long would that last. Picking up another 100 units I headed back, NCC 1701E was still there, another wreck added to his collection. Once again he left me alone. This wasn't too bad after all. I guess he had bigger fish to fry.

After a total 22 runs, I decided that it was probably time to finally sell the ore I had accumulated. Docking at the station I sold the 22,000 units of Kernite I had looted for a staggering 697,000 ISK. Taking my total balance to just over 1,950,000 ISK. I finally had enough to pay the Start Up fee. It was time to head back to Todifirauan and complete my orders.

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