Friday, 16 January 2009

Entry 15: Time to Move On

I returned to the Skeleton Comet to find that all the Pirates had been destroyed. Now was a good as time as any to try and get the contents of the scorched Containers. I started moving towards them when another pirate appeared. Perhaps he would be more interested in the other Pilot in the system who was currently salvaging the wrecks than me. I could only hope.

The other Pilots name was Cortis Vahn. Using his hammerhead drones he destroyed the pirate leaving me with a clear path to the scorched container. However instead of a passkey I found nothing but Drugs and Missiles. Still I could probably sell them so I transferred the cargo to my own ship and was promptly destroyed by a group of pirates who warped into the system right at my location. Time to dock yet again and pick up my new Ibis.

Remembering how much ISK I had made earlier from looting wrecks in Low Sec space. I decided that perhaps it would be be better to explore High Sec space and loot for a greater profit. With this in mind I set my destination back to Todifrauan and explore the surrounding systems.

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