Tuesday 6 January 2009

Entry 6: A Swift Death

I regret to inform you that I have had my ship destroyed as well as my pod. I now find myself located back in the Angur system 55 Jumps from M-VACR. It was while exploring the various systems near M-VACR, searching for a station that would allow me to dock, that I was attacked suddenly without warning and destroyed. Details of the kill were recorded in my ships log as follows:

Victim: Kira Caldar
Corp: State War Academy
Alliance: NONE
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Ibis
System: E0DR-G
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 385
Involved parties:
Name: GoodHard (laid the final blow)
Security: 5.0
Corp: Crimson Aces
Alliance: Shadow of xXDEATHXx
Faction: NONE
Ship: Hound
Weapon: Paradise Cruise Missile
Damage Done: 385
Name: Mobile Large Warp Disruptor I / Crimson Aces
Damage Done: 0

Dropped items:
Basic Miner
Magnetometric Sift Probe, Qty: 46 (Cargo)
Civilian Gatling Railgun
Ladar Comb Probe, Qty: 50 (Cargo)

I had managed to pillage the probes from wrecks in the previous system.

After destroying my ship GoodHard then destroyed my pod before I could warp away.

I have requested an extended period of sleep state to allow my clone to fully adjust to the rigors of its new life. Upon awakening I will set off on the long journey back, in search of a station as close to M-VACR as I can find that will allow me to dock, as per your orders.

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